Greeting Friends!!

Welcome back to my new and improved website.

I look forward to offering you more news, views and information about what I’m up to musically and otherwise.

During this unprecedented time in our world history there seems to be so many things on the precipice of change. The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in even more social awareness of our inter dependency as human beings occupying this planet. As of this writing, many parts of the world, have responded to instructions to mitigate the virus’s spread.. .. and they have successfully done so. And then there are other places in the world where people have not taken heed to instructions, or have not been cooperative and listened to the medical professionals and scientists. They find themselves still in the throws of this awful pandemic. We ALL are affected one way or another. Sickness, lost jobs, tanking economies, schools unable to safely reopen for fall semester…..these are to name but a few of our issues. At this same time, social injustices and race matters have reached the point that the difficult conversations about racism, bias, prejudice which hanever really been addressed, are on everyone’s minds and are not to be ignored nor the resolutions to these issues be put off any longer. These concerns are relevant to our human survival.

I want to remain hopeful and optimistic. The deep feelings of concern and thoughts about our world and our people presents the increasing need for honest and meaningful communication. Not being able to play music in person with fellow artists is really a downer… but I can still enjoy listening to my favorite recorded music, I can learn as I read books, watch movies and I can create things!

I do feel the need to reach out more to my friends and to do so often. This is motivatingThe technologies of FaceTime and ZOOM have been helpful . I am continually inspired by friends, familycreative colleagues and you .. my fans!!

Tell the people that your love and care about, that you indeed love and care about them. Share your energy with them. Feed off of that which they share with you. Let’s do what we can to lift each other up. We must not be defined or defeated by these current circumstances or negative events. Let’s help each other keep the faith!

‘Til next time…

Stay tuned!
